Monday, October 25, 2010

Promoting Your Church Through The BCM

One of the purposes of the BCM is to promote local church attendance and involvement of students that are involved in the BCM. Here is some ways a local church can promote their church and partner with the BCM in ministry to college students.

Place information in BCM publications/newsletters/e-newsletters for incoming freshmen about the church. The church may need to help with printing and or postage costs.

Participate in ministries sponsored by the BCM to kick off the fall semester. These may include picnics, dinner, Survival, scavenger hunts, etc…

Place information about your church on the website of the BCM.

Ask the BCM to provide your church with the names and contact information of first time visitors to the BCM. Provide follow up contact of the students and invite them to your church.

Participate in “Church Night” worship services of the BCM. Set up a table display with information about your church.

Recruit church members to help with dorm move ins on the campus.

Recruit church members to adopt an International student involved in the BCM ministry. The member(s) would have in their home, take them out to eat.

Attend Collegiate Week at Glorieta in August with the BCM.

Partner with the BCM in sponsoring and participating in a mission trip.

Publicize special events and ministries of your church through BCM emails, announcements, etc…

Provide the names of the high school graduates of your church to the BCM Direct of the college or university they will be attending.

Participate in regular meetings of all of the collegiate ministers of the local collegiate churches of the BCM and the BCM Director for fellowship, calendar planning, prayer, etc.

Participate in a “Collegiate Ministers Panel” at a BCM lunch or worship night.

Participate with State Collegiate Ministry Conferences of your State Convention. Some are in the fall, some are in the spring.

By: Steve Masters

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